
Mixed-media mosaics are made up of a variety of different materials, including opalescent stained glass, marble, tile, and smalti. These are usually affixed to a plywood back and, due to the heavy weight of some of these materials, hung on a wall. Glass, tile, and smalti are usually stuck down with mortar, whereas Chemtel Metal Laminates, a new medium which William L. Lupkin Designs has also began using, must be attached with a special adhesive. In the picture here, William Lupkin is painstakingly applying the mortar to each piece of tile individually.

William Lupkin Designs is also proud to create traditional smalti mosaics. These are done completely in house, unlike many other studios in the country that only design and install mosaics, William Lupkin Designs orders the tile in bulk from Italy and then fabricates the pieces on the premises. Working this way also allows a client to see their artwork during the construction process, which helps create a piece more in tune to each clients specific needs.